You often hear that dementia is hardest on families. Supporting families and involving families in residents’ ongoing experience in our Memory Care Centres is central to our model of care.
We are an extension of our residents’ families.
The transition to residential dementia care is emotionally taxing and stressful for both the family and the new resident. Our residents’ families are indispensable in offering additional information about the personal history, preferences, and current capabilities of our residents.
This supports our care team’s understanding of our resident as an individual and enhances our team’s ability to provide truly person-centred care.

Supporting families with compassion & empathy
Our Memory Care team members have a critical role in supporting family members of our residents on an ongoing basis, in addressing your questions and concerns as they arise, and in providing emotional support.
We host events information sessions throughout the year so that different families can get to know each other, share experiences and learn more about the disease process. We advise of useful tools to help families relate to and care for their loved one, and support groups that are available to you as family members and caregivers.
Family is welcome to visit residents at any time of day and to join at mealtime.
The Mowlam Way
The disease process for Alzheimer’s and dementia is lengthy. Showing sensitivity to you and your family throughout your loved one’s time with us is of the utmost importance to us. You may not know what to expect. Families experience a variety of emotions throughout the disease process and many have difficulty understanding how to cope with the progression. We are here to support you every step of the way.

We listen and empathise with the challenges you are experiencing that are a natural part of having a family member with dementia, and work in partnership with you so that you can confidently participate in your loved one’s care decisions. This is The Mowlam Way.
Our Principles Of Service
We’re here to help
For further details or to arrange a visit contact: