COVID-19 Visitor Restrictions announced by Nursing Homes Ireland
Updated 31st March 2020
Protecting the Health of Our Residents & Home Staff
For the protection of nursing home residents, Nursing Homes Ireland has confirmed that visiting restrictions are now in place in nursing homes nationwide.
Our residents, the majority of them being over 65, are an at-risk group, as are those who have a long-term medical condition – for example, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes or liver disease. As such we will be employing clinical judgement and every precaution to protect the health of our residents, and indeed the health of our valued home staff, should there be a confirmed case of coronavirus in Ireland.
The HSE advises that the flu vaccine does not protect against coronavirus.
No non-essential visiting, children or groups will be allowed.
- All visitors are asked to contact our nursing homes prior to attending – contact details for all our homes are listed here.
- Visitors should only seek to attend in urgent circumstances
- Management reserve the right to impose full restrictions where necessary
We urge prospective visitors to nursing homes to be cognisant and understanding of the measure that is required in the interest of resident and staff safety.
Older people and people in nursing homes with pre-existing medical conditions are particularly vulnerable if they contact the virus. The virus presents an unprecedented situation for our nursing homes and the care provided within them. Nursing homes have imposed the visitor restrictions in the best interests of residents and staff.
We thank people for their understanding and patience during this period of unprecedented challenges presented by #Covid19. Nursing Homes Ireland is monitoring the evolving situation on an ongoing basis and is in continuous contact with the Department of Health National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET), HSE Ireland and all relevant health authorities.
Reduce your risk of coronavirus infection
Seven simple steps to protect yourself and others from COVID-19
Source WHO
1. Wash your hands frequently
Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
We often touch our faces without noticing it. Be aware of this, and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
3. Cover your cough
Make sure that you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with the bend of your elbow or with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Dispose of the used tissue immediately into a closed bin and wash your hands.
4. Avoid crowded places and close contact with anyone that has fever or cough
Avoid crowded places, especially if you are over 60 or have an underlying health condition such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart and lung diseases or cancer. Maintain at least 1 metre of distance between yourself and anyone who has a fever or cough.
5. Stay at home if you feel unwell
Stay at home if you feel unwell, even with a slight fever and cough.
6. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early – but call first
If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early – if you can, call your hospital or health centre first so that they can tell you where you should go.
7. Get information from trusted sources
Stay informed about the latest information from about about COVID-19 from trusted sources. Make sure your information comes from reliable sources – your local or national public health agency, the World Health Organisation (WHO) website, or your local health professional. Everyone should know the symptoms – for most people, it starts with a fever and a dry cough.
Reduce your risk of coronavirus infection
How the virus is spread
It is believed that coronavirus is spread in sneeze or cough droplets.
You could be at risk of contracting the virus if you:
- come into close contact with someone who has the virus and is coughing or sneezing
- touch surfaces that someone who has the virus has coughed or sneezed on
Because it’s a new illness, it is not know how easily the virus spreads from person to person, or, if someone can spread the virus before they show symptoms.
How we as a community help prevent the spread of COVID-19
- wash your hands properly and regularly with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub
– after coughing or sneezing
– after toilet use
– before eating
– before and after preparing food
– if you are in contact with a sick person, especially those with respiratory symptoms
– if your hands are dirty
– if you have handled animals or animal waste - cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve when you cough and sneeze
- dispose of used tissues into a bin and wash your hands with soap
- follow the travel advice from the Department of Foreign Affairs if traveling to a country or region with a spread of coronavirus
Coronavirus COVID-19 Useful Resources
If you have recently travelled from an affected area or want information about Coronavirus, go to:
- HSE’s coronavirus page, or
- Health Protection Surveillance Centre website, or
- WHO Travel Advice
#COVID19 Information is also available from:
Please remind all family members that they can best protect themselves from COVID-19 by regular and vigorous hand-washing and good respiratory hygiene.
It is also worth noting that, as an EU member state, Ireland is following the advice of the ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control).
Key Contact Numbers
HSE helpline by phone for advice – Call save 1850 24 1850
PUBLIC HEALTH OOH 0818 501 999
HSE East: 01 635 2145
HSE Midwest: 061 483 338
HSE Northwest: 071 985 2900
HSE South: 021 492 7601
HSE Midlands: 057 935 9891
HSE Northeast: 046 907 6412
HSE Southeast: 056 778 4142
HSE West: 091 775 200